Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January Newsletter

                Another student on break asked Storme for a lighter and cigarette smoke began wafting by again. Smoking area equals not the most comfortable place to share the gospel with random people, I sighed to myself.  “All belief is good; God just hasn’t been important to me,” Storme concluded after retrieving her lighter. My inner commentary quickly chimed in, not that easy of a conversation either. I could see she did not care enough about religion to stay through a theological debate; neither did I.
                In many ways, Storme personifies local students. She believes in a higher power reachable through any belief. Religion is a help to life, giving meaning and purpose, not a law that highlights our separation from God. Spiritually, her highest goal is to achieve a checklist of what it takes to be a good person instead of truly knowing God. A checklist cannot give us life. As 1 John 5:11-12 says, “God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son does not have life.”
                I didn’t care to debate her statement “all belief is good”, but I realized that I cared about this girl: her broken family, her struggle to be good, and her need for life through Christ. I knew what to ask. “What do you think is the purpose of life?” Storme puzzled over the question for a bit before settling wit;  “I guess be a good person and enjoy the things around you.” I nodded when she had finished then said, “I tried being a good person and it didn’t work; that’s how I came to Jesus.” Before I left the smoking area she gave me her phone number saying she enjoyed our conversation.
                Many times this month I have found myself thanking God for moments where I see Him flow out in ministry through me, but just as often I find myself looking to the bigger picture. Where will my team be at the end of the year and what will we leave behind? Does my call to Japan still stand and is that what God has for me next year? Everyone on the team is beginning to ask similar things.
                We focused our planning day asking God to use us to begin a lasting movement of students who take the light of the true gospel from Hilo to the entire Pacific region. Our God can do that. Thanks for partnering with me in that vision. I’m praying we all come to be characterized by surrender and faith—a place where the Son will be our life.

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