Friday, October 28, 2011

October Newsletter

                 I wish this letter began, “After our arrival in Japan, our ministry began…” but I am still in the USA waiting with my teammates for our certificates of eligibility from the government in Japan. These papers are necessary to get our visas. It has been a slow and frustrating process of our papers being submitted late and Japan’s consulates remaining delayed after the Tsunami. I apologize to all of you because I said I would leave in September, and now it looks like I won’t be working in Japan until mid-November. Continue praying that I would leave soon and in the meantime trust God’s timing.
                This Sunday my pastor talked about righteousness as “things being right and whole” both internally and externally. We usually think of the internal part, but what does it mean to desire righteousness, unbrokenness, in the lives of our friends and family and poor and orphans? Jesus says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied,” Matthew 5:6. Those words rouse in me a hunger to see people in Japan made right and whole by Christ’s work on the cross. It is not that their brokenness is any different from what you see here, but there are so few people in Japan who know God and have a hope to share.  
                Pray with me during this time! Pray bigger prayers for Japan than I and my team will imagine. There will be needs listed here but for now pray for the first week after our arrival and the students I will meet. I will send out another prayer letter shortly after I arrive in Tokyo.
                My financial support is actually not finished though it is very close. If you are planning to give you can easily do it online at: Also feel free to email me for details.
Text Box: October  2011; Campus Crusade for Christ                My thanks to you who have been praying and waiting with me. I am praying for you too! God bless,

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