Saturday, January 28, 2012

Vision for Your Prayers

Hello friends,
A newsletter will be on its way shortly, but I wanted to give you a preview because many things have happened this month. Thank you for your prayers! God's presence and blessings have shadowed our settling into homes, the first week on campus, many days of travel, and our recent planning.
Our vision here is to see a lasting movement of students who take the light of the true gospel from Hilo to the whole pacific region. The first part I focus prayer on is lasting. We're here for only another four and a half months. In order for what we begin here to last we need God to show up. Secondly is students who take. Be praying for willing and faithful students to step up beside us and ask God to change their lives and campus. We will help raise up a summer mission trip to Osaka, Japan and the students who go will set a precedent for missions from Hilo to the pacific region. Finally pray that we and those we are teaching would proclaim the true gospel in all its fullness and power. We have already seen that many churches and people who claim the name of Christ are very willing to accept all spirituality as possible paths to God.
Here are some more specific things we are asking God if He would do this year. We are asking for 20 new believers. We pray He would use us in student' lives so they will know and experience the gospel, learn how to share it, and actively share it with others. We're praying for Bible studies led by students. Finally we pray that through discipleship students would grow mature and able to lead both now and in a greater way when we need to leave.
Thanks so much for your prayers. My Aloha.

Sing to the LORD a new song,
   his praise from the ends of the earth,
you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it,
   you islands, and all who live in them. Isaiah 42:10