Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Dear friends and family,
I got some exciting news today, our paperwork for visas to Japan came through! I and my team will be flying to Japan next month! After the waiting and disappointment of this time last year, it's really exciting. Thanks for praying for this coming year.
So, what's next? Though I'm still waiting for a plane ticket and a set leave date, I'm moving forward in the last things I need to do here. I appreciate your continued prayers through this process!
  • I'm still raising the money I need to fund my ministry for the year. By God's grace, I am lacking only $548/month in money pledged to be given monthly and $1053 in one time gifts to cover my upfront costs! God knows the timing of things, and I am so much closer to my goal than I was at this time last year. But I must have full financial support before I fly to Tokyo. Thank you so much if you're partnering financially with me to bring the gospel to Japan. If you haven't begun giving please do that by the end of the month. If your curious about supporting my ministry financially, please contact me! Gifts can be of any size and are tax deductible. I can send simple directions for giving online (give.cru.org/give/View/0629228?pp=) or by check. Pray with me that God provides all of my funding by the 31st!
  • I'm packing and hoping everything fits in two suitcases! Getting everything in order for a year living internationally takes a lot of time. I know I won't be able to come say goodbye to all of you (and some of you are very far away), but once I have a leave date I'm going to set up a goodbye party in Kansas City.
  • I am totally free to share about ministry, prayer requests, and all my experiences in Japan. You can read about them here!
Praise God for all He's done!

     -Sarah EuDaly

Monday, July 30, 2012

Encouragement from God

from Psalm 18
"As for God, His way is blameless;
The word of the Lord is tried;
He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.
For who is God, but the Lord?
And who is a rock, except our God,
The God who girds me with strength
And makes my way blameless?
He makes my feet like hinds’ feet,
And sets me upon my high places.
He trains my hands for battle,
So that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.
You have also given me the shield of Your salvation,
And Your right hand upholds me;
And Your gentleness makes me great.
You enlarge my steps under me,
And my feet have not slipped."

This encouraged me a lot as I have been trusting God to equip me for the work He plans in Japan.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summer Update

Hello friends!
            I’m back in Missouri for a few months! The transition back seemed abrupt because of the shorter time I had working on campus this year. But my summer is off to a good start and I hope yours is too.
            Reflecting on the half-year I’ve had in Hawaii I’m struck at the specific ways God worked through me and my team. Ministry events from Easter performances to cleaning a preschool showed people what CRU is about. The weekly meeting became a consistent place for students to praise God and hear from the Bible. We got to see it grow from 7 students to about 20! One student went on a summer mission trip to Tokyo; another is ready and excited to lead a Bible study next year. These things laid necessary groundwork for fruitfulness in the future.
            God also used the year to grow me as a leader. He taught me the necessity of following Him closely and humbly as I lead. Seeing the strategic way God used the team in Hawaii and the opportunity He has given me to go to Japan makes me so excited! Tokyo is truly a place of great need. With more than 35 million people it has become the largest city in the world while also one of the least reached with the gospel. Less than 1 out of every hundred people is christian, few know the gospel, and suicide is more common than in almost any other part of the world.
            Over the summer I will be raising the funds necessary for me to live and work in Japan. Like many other missions organizations, CRU workers raise money so they can focus on full time ministry. Please consider joining me by financially supporting me for $100 per month, but know that any amount is a great help. Even $10 a month adds up quickly if there are many people giving! If you prefer, you can give specific one-time gifts. Consider covering part of my Team Leader Training July 15-21 ($600). Gifts of any size are appropriate and tax-deductible. Visit https://give.cru.org/give/View/0629228 to give online and partner with me in changing lives in Tokyo!
             My goal is to leave for Tokyo the first week of September. Please pray that my summer would be refreshing and good groundwork for my year in Japan. Pray also that God would prepare the hearts of Japanese people to believe the gospel.
            Thank you for considering my needs. Your prayers and financial support make my ministry possible!  Yours in Christ,

     -Sarah EuDaly